Large - format Mechanical Style Screen Stretching Machines

Large - format Mechanical Style Screen Stretching Machines


MODEL KY-1630 M KY-1645 KY-2130 KY-2145 KY-2830 KY-2845
Max. Strethcing Size
160 x300 160x450 210x300 210x450 280x300 280x450
Power 5 HP 3Ø 56 HP 3Ø 5 HP 3Ø 6 HP 3Ø 6 HP 3Ø 6 HP 3Ø
435x235x100 585x235x100 435x295x100 585x295x100 435x355x100 585x355x100


  1. Unique clamp style, durable and no mesh damage.
  2. No frame linit, easy adjustment for strecthing size
  3. Front - rear / right - left automatic mechanical stretching tension up to 54 N tons.

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